Benefit Type
Death, Partial Withdrawal and Maturity Benefit only.
Policy Term
The product is available at policy duration for 3-years only.
Cover Termination
Cover ceases at the end of the month in which the Assured turns 64 years.
Premium Payment Frequency
Offers a flexible premium payment - monthly, quarterly, bi-annually and annually.
There are only three payouts during the policy period.
Claims Procedures
Claim Documentations
- - Medical Certificate of cause of death,
- - Valid proof of identity of named beneficiary (on the death of the policyholder).
- - Police Report if death was caused by Accident, copy of Life Assured identity.
Other plans
Mortgage Plan
This is a decreasing term assurance policy intended to ensure repayment of the mortgage loan in event of death of the Life Assured before full repayment of the mortgage loan on his house.
Empowering people to live financially secure.
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